There are moments in your life when events happen that leave you on your knees, thanking God for His Mercy and Grace - a moment that will be forever emblazoned in my mind and in my heart happened a few days ago. I have been burying the reality of the situation deep within my heart, and now I am ready to write; to talk; to contemplate; to let go.
Despite our misgivings of moving away from the beautiful mid-west countryside, and into the crowded ocean shores, the scenary at times is so beautiful and calming. Yet, this environment is wild and raw. Powerful and dangerous. And we learned first hand how quickly serenity can turn into tragedy.

We were meeting our old neighbors who were in the state for business and pleasure. We decided on a location that was central - one that we had not been to before. It was breathtaking. I had heard of its beauty from others, but we just hadn't taken the drive yet. We were meeting at the beach. Well, that was our first mistake. The beach is really big and doesn't come with a specific address. So we parked where we could and tried to discern from texts and emails where to walk to meet our friends. After descending down the steep path, we arrived at the shore only to not spot our friends. It was not crowded and I could easily see down the beach about a half a mile to a more populated area that was obviously a swimming roadside beach. Professor was left behind at the van to finish changing his clothes and grabbing items. I had some chairs and umbrella while the children were loaded down with towels and toys. We walked and walked. Not having sandals, Lil' Farmer and Sweet Sis had tennis shoes and pink cowgirl boots on respectively. A bit hard to walk in the sand with those on the feet, but Professor was being prudent to ensure they did not step on something on the path down. Continuing on, as we walked, I noticed the tide coming in as we had to keep running from the surf spreading before us. We nearly reach the swimming beach area when we spot a lagoon leading to the left (as the ocean was to our right). It was very beautiful and peaceful. The colors were amazing, with aqua blues, deep greens, and varying shades blending into the cove. We stopped and watched many people simply walk across, some occasionally getting their lower legs wet when a stronger wave would creep over the sand crest and gently pour into the standing water lagoon.

Can you see the inlet along with the embankment? I never thought to take a picture of the lagoon. It was not a place I want to remember with a picture.

So, we all gathered together and I watched the waves go in and out. Our chance quickly came, and without any hesitation, we set forward to cross the 10 steps to get to the more elevated sandy beach. Within a few steps, a very large wave crashed upon us totally unawares, and hit us quite hard. Immediately, Lil Farmer and Sweet Sis were swept off their feet and pushed into the lagoon. It happened all so fast. They were looking at me with fear in their eyes as they wondered how far they would be carried. They began to scream a scream no mother ever wants to hear. A helpless feeling swept over them. Sweet Sis went under but managed to bob back up again. Lil Farmer was trying so hard to get up. I honestly thought they were in a few inches of water. I told them to try and stand up. The older boys turned around and tried to get to them, but were further towards the ocean shore, as they were not swept inward. I finally reached Sweet Sis and held her hand to pull her up. Lil Farmer was in complete survival mode and the only thing he could do was fight for his life. He was grasping at anything to get up. He later told us he was actually swimming and could not touch the floor beneath. He managed to make his way to the side embankment and just kept literally fighting to get up. I have never seen my son act in this aggressive way in my life. He was beyond hysterical. Sweet Sis was scared, confused, and began to get more hysterical the more she heard her brother scream. I managed to see in my peripheral vision adults with their backs turned, on the embankment and beach side. No one, that I know of, turned around to hear the screams of two hysterical children. No one.
As a former lifeguard, I am a calm cucumber when it comes to kids and water. Granted I have not witnessed a death. I was nervous for my children and really astonished at the powerful wave that seemed to come out of no-where, that knocked my babies down. But it wasn't until Professor joined me, and he went back down into the lagoon looking for towels and such that were knocked out of the children's hands, that we both realized the gravity of the situation. The lagoon was extremely deep. Professor said it dropped down at least 10 ft right where Lil Farmer was caught. There was not just a few inches of water, but over 10 ft of water. Yet, where I stood in the inlet of the lagoon was a mere 6 inches. The water had caved out a beneath-the-surface-deep pool. It was hidden to the eye. I could not sleep that night as I replayed the scenes of those moments in my mind. There was no explanation for Lil Farmer surviving. He should have gone straight down. I am so thankful for the swimming lessons he took last summer. But much more importantly, for the God that loves him and loves us, that His angels were dispatched to save his precious life that day. Angels were guarding and helping, and the Lord showed me so clearly. We rarely get to see the good work He is doing for us on a daily basis. The car that was averted 1/4 mile down the road, to save us from the would-be crash. The arm that restrains a child from crossing in a busy parking lot. The help of a hearty cough as we choke on a dry cracker. They are often never brought to our attention. But on this day, I was outnumbered. I had two children to save with one body at one time. And the Lord saved them both.