Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sewing for Sweet Sis

I am always busy with a sewing project for my daughter Sweet Sis.  I sew often out of the love of sewing, and I sew often out of the need to sew for my daughter.  I am not impressed with what the world has to offer for clothing for little girls (and bigger girls too).  It can be suggestive, revealing, and not in-line with modest principles.  Even play dresses found in stores are very short, and the minute she jumps, runs, or plays on playground equipment, all modesty is thrown out the window.  As the children grow, my time is devoted more and more to homeschooling with all that it entails, and I cannot make every single clothing item.  But I cannot compromise our strong beliefs.  So, I have been modifying clothing when I have time and working on a new dress once or twice a month.  I modify by adding a very wide piece of eyelet lace/edging or a wide piece of knit material.  It won't work on every dress, but it is worth doing on those that I can.  Here are some pictures of examples that I have done this past month:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Beginnings

I will be restarting my posts to my blog as I really find it fun to share with my family our happy times! And it is fun for me to look back and see our special moments together. Today's post is about Meal Menus! I have done meal menus for years, but they have all been weekly. Since I buy bulk more now and usually only shop once every two weeks if possible, I needed to change his many times I make a menu. Also, every week I make lesson plans for school and trying to make a menu makes so much more work on my free day! So I tried making an entire month. The first attempt, it took me half the day to make sure I didn't put too many like-dishes back to back. I then started to think about themed days. Mexican night, American fare, pasta, Asian stir-fry, etc. Now I cook according to my theme day. I print out the menu and post for all to see. I also add the desserts and really try to make them as it encourages the children to eat their meals!