Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Embarassing Moment

Have you ever seen a grocery store shopping cart parked out front of someone's house? How about a neighbor's house? Maybe while you are doing a drive-by in an undesirable neighborhood - where you slouch down a little lower in your seat and lock the doors? C'mon, you have all been there. Well, I go down for one day and my husband has a near mental breakdown. Yes, Kind Heart and I (along with some dear friends) were out with a bad stomach bug - food poisoning. And I send my Dear Professor out for popsicles, he spends over $100 and 1 1/2 hours at the supermarket, and can't bring it home with his hands, so he has to truck it back in the shopping cart. Yes, you read correctly. My husband stole the shopping cart and pushed it back into our neighborhood with all his groceries in it, with 2 of our kids as accomplices. I had to accompany him back to the grocery store this afternoon for fear he might be arrested. And the young gentleman who took the stolen cart back actually asked "Are you all done with it now?"

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