Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Haircut Night

So, what do you do on a typical week night? We are always busy, and tonight was no exception. It was past time for the kids to get a haircut. Professor gets a haircut every two to three weeks, and except for a few rare times, I have given him every haircut for the past 13+ years.  So naturally, I have given all the children haircuts with the exception of one time this past summer.  They each have personalities that differ, and hair that differs greatly. Straight Arrow has thick, straight hair. Kind Heart has soft wavy hair, and Lil' Farmer has fine curly hair that goes everywhere. Sweet Sis has very fine nearly straight hair.  Couldn't one of them be like the other? Lol! It has been said that Professor could make a rug every time he gets it cut - the thickest hair I have ever known.  I have only seen it about an inch long.  It grows out like a Chia pet!  He does have very coarse thick hair, that is curly when allowed to harvest.  If you are unsure about administering haircuts, give it a try.  Check out a library book or video on cutting hair.  It will save you a bundle. I once calculated the cost for dear husband alone, and it came to $350 per year, and with kids it comes to $620!  I think someone owes me a massage!  Ha! The only problem is, I give them haircuts because it saves me money (translation = no money for my spa day!).  Happy cutting!

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