Have you ever had so much going on it nearly paralizes you? Well that would be my last month. We had three birthdays, an anniversary, a near trip across the country that was cancelled at the last minute, and our usual tons of doctor appointments, homeschool, and several trips doing some great outdoor fun. I have really wanted to keep up my blog, and sure, it has been a month since my last post. I apologize to my faithful few that have tried to stick with me. And then I ask, after I post, have you seen my post? And everybody is like a deer in the headlights - my fault, as I am not consistent yet. I tend to post for a few weeks every few days and then go through a dry spell. I digress.
I am going to post from most recent to back to the beginning of March. I do have much to share, so I will do my best. Recently I have been busy getting back to sewing. Our little girl, Sweet Sis, has been growing so fast. Seriously. She had her well-child check up, which she LOVED getting all the great positive attention from our sweet Dr. W, and she is now 95% for height and 83% for weight. Hard for me to believe in weight as she is our smallest child, but I guess she is our only girl! How differently they are built! Back to sewing. So, I have been doing a little bit every few days. And I mean little. I just finished up a dress for her last night but I cut it out nearly 3 weeks ago. Some days I only get one seam done, etc. I am ok with that, but I do like to finish projects in one sitting! I also stitched up a great little "bubble" for my friend, who is expecting her 3rd boy in a week. I did some shadow embroidery on the collar, frogs, and it turned out very cute. The bubble has snaps underneath and buttons up the back. I have a dress cut out for myself and would like to tackle that within the next month. It is a nice linen blend dress for spring, and a new design. It is actually a very easy pattern as it is one of Simplicity's See and Sew, which are for beginners. I like the design as it is longer and modest in the front. I am lining up an apron project in my head. As soon as I finish the pinafore for the dress I just made for Sweet Sis (I am embroidering a small bear with a pink tutu on the front), I am making each of the children an apron. Each apron will be an animal; the pattern conveniently has 4 different animals, good for me! Here are some pictures to keep you entertained as I drone on:

I am often asked how I find the time to sew. For me, it is my only time to myself. My only time. I spend my late evenings doing a bit of stitching or cutting. Usually nothing more than an hour, and more likely for just a half an hour, after the kids are in bed. My dear husband, Professor, is desperately working to finish his PhD. He is up late every night. I cannot be up as late, but I do enjoy sitting with him while he is working. We don't talk too much as I can't distract him, but he enjoys being close. So sitting and stitching is my time to keep him company and get something done. Some people watch tv. Some people read, which I do after I stitch, while in bed. Some people shop. I sew. I find it very satisfying and fulfilling - and productive. I get something very useful and practical after I am done. I rarely sew for pleasure - meaning, something to just make for myself. It is almost always for a purpose - a gift, a piece of needed clothing, mending. I have some projects in mind for the future (if I ever get to it!), like a toaster cover. I am really wanting to start piecing that quilt that my MIL and I are supposed to be doing together. Let's just say we committed to starting in August of 2012. Well, neither of us were ready then! I hope we will be ready this summer, though!
Dear Country Needles! It is always so nice to have news from you! You have been productive with your sewing and what you are doing is so beautiful. Actually you are inspiring me with the dress you are planning on making for yourself. I will try to find it here also! Thanks! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.