Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Creative Homeschool Play

Although my two youngest are not officially in homeschool, they love to pretend and play as if they are! Despite them having their own desks and books, I guess they can't get enough!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Little Trip

We have been a busy traveling family! The Professor is finishing up his PhD work and needed to see his advisor again (who lives in a state several thousand miles from ours) so we all took a trip. He went alone to his university, while the children and I stayed with family to reduce our cost. We wish we could have seen everybody this time around, but I'm sure there will be other times. The boys and Sweet Sis enjoyed the flight(s), even receiving some special priviledges. Our Lil' Farmer turns 5 tomorrow -I still can't believe it. I remember his birth like it was yesterday, I remember rocking him and singing. He was and is such a beautiful child, through to his soul. He loves to smile and is filled with joy everyday. He is a previous gift and addition to our family.I hope you enjoy the pictures of our adventure and of an early celebration. We still have not arrived home yet, so keep us in prayer as we make our way home. Professor made tremendous progress and is very close to finishing, so we are thankful. *The cord to our camera is 400 miles from our house, sitting in the back of our truck, waiting for Professor to pick it up on Sunday.

October First Tomatoes

Here are the older boys with our tomato plant that I was told would not grow where we live due to our climate. Well it grew! and produced! They are picking our first tomatoes. I purchased some tomato food and I hope it will help it perk up a bit.The seeds were purchased from Johnny's Seed Company, under the name” Valley Girl”.