Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Surprise

Not too long after I posted about our lovely dinner, we went for a nice bike ride down to the harbor. We were heading back and Lil Farmer had another accident. He crashed into an information sign. He split his lip open quite badly. We spent 45 minutes trying to find an open Urgent Care (5 different locations) and finally took him to an ER. After hours, he received a painful stitch on the inside and an equally painful stitch on the outside. Frankly he would have received more but the doctor failed to numb him adequately and it was apparent Lil Farmer could feel the needle insertion, etc. He is tired today from his ordeal but happy and eating. I'm sure a scar will appear in time, but there isn't much we can do about that. Heal quick little buddy!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Blessings

Just one of many gifts my family bestowed upon me this Mother's Day. The sweetest day my dear husband has ever prepared for me.