Sunday, September 11, 2011

An Introduction

Welcome and Greetings!  After a small break, I have decided to renew my blogging presence.  In March, I retired my blog of 5 years.   I am looking forward to my fresh start and am eager to learn how to improve my blog, to add features and to really make it what I would like.  So what is the new blog going to be about?  Well, I suppose ramblings of my life!  So allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Country Needles.  I am Mom to 4 precious children; dear son Straight Arrow 7, dear son Kind Heart 5, dear son Lil Farmer 3, and dear daughter Sweet Sis 18 mos.  I am also the Teacher to our children in our homeschool.  I am Wife to my dear husband The Professor, who also acts as our Principal.  We currently live in the mid-west in a wonderful rural country home, but very soon, we will be moving to a major city.  I hope to capture our move, our adventures, our trials.  I have a few interests that really encompass me.  I have a passion for educating our children according to Biblical Principles (which alludes to my passion in The Word).  I greatly enjoy using my hands for a productive good.  I sew for my family, for friends, and for strangers.  I recently discovered English Smocking and my love for fine needle arts.  I enjoy knitting and crocheting.  Second to teaching and studying The Word, is my passion for Healthy Living.  We are a vegan family and I truly enjoy cooking with a plant-based diet.  Equally as much, I enjoy sharing my love for cooking healthy. I am a life long fitness advocate and enjoy exercise.  I am renewing an interest in running.

I am hoping to bring thoughts, encouragement,  ideas, recipes, and glimpses into our life to keep us connected to the ones we love dearly and to those we have not met yet.  Thanks for stopping by.  As I sip on my hot cup of Hot Apple Cider Tea, I hope you'll grab one too and relax.  May His Blessings be upon you.

Country Needles

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