Monday, September 24, 2012

Blooms to Brighten!

I have owned this African Violet for several years. I purchased it many years ago while the children and I were studying flowers and plants. It was a tiny little plant at that time. With much tender care we watched it grow. But no blooms. I asked anyone that had any green plant living in their house if they knew why my African Violet was not blooming - no answers! One day we were visiting friends and lo - they had a beautiful large African Violet! The answer came - the plant needs to be root bound in order to bloom. After my violet lived with a friend for 5 months, it was returned. Maybe that is why it is finally blooming? Her touch? Well regardless, it is blooming in my presence so that makes me happy! Having never had plants growing up or plants in my own home, I am excited to travel down the path of green in the house. I have 8 plants right now - and I will post on them soon! Happy Planting!

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