Sunday, December 30, 2012

Annoying turns Cute in Older Age

As Professor and I are unwinding tonight, we hear the pitter-patter of little feet up and down the newly acquired stairs of our new home. Since Sweet Sis does not remember our home from two moves ago, she would not remember the beautiful staircase there. Besides, her room was downstairs. Anyway, with the beds all set-up tonight, and Mommy and Daddy entirely exhausted, it is past 9:30 pm, and we are still hearing our little girl up and down out of bed. Years ago, we would have been quite beside ourselves with frustration at the boys for doing the same. The old "Go to Bed" routine. Now, after I rocked her, then rocked her two new dollies, it was Daddy's turn to come in and rock, then rock each of her dollies. At one point, we provided more drink, more conversation, and some nice soothing hymns which she enjoyed singing along quite loudly. This last interruption, she drew Daddy in with "Daddy I have a question for you". Then she asked after that was answered, "Daddy I have something to show you, it is so funny, so funny Daddy". She proceeds to show him a book, picks a page, and starts laughing! She tries to explain to him why it is funny, but then gives up and says, "Can you just read it to me Daddy?" What a treasured night! We are both so tired, physically ill from colds, I think I am coming down with a sinus infection, and her little interruptions might normally be received with a scowl, but how precious tonight they are to us! Ok, as I write, she has now discovered the "Big Moon out there, Daddy, come and show you!!" So maybe it is getting a bit tiring now, as we entire into the 10 pm hour, but, still a cute little Sis. Just don't wake me when I'm sleeping little girl! The house is still a disaster, we still have the old house to finish cleaning and painting, and we have so much laundry to fold and to clean! But we are making progress. Today the furniture was placed in its permanent location, one bookshelf placed and stocked, beds were assembled and placed accordingly (except for mine, of course!), and we are starting to see some flow. Nearly all of the kitchen is unpacked, three rooms in the old house were painted and nearly everything has been removed now. We still have about 15 paint cans to turn in at a paint drop-off and some miscellaneous garage items. But overall, we are encouraged. It is time to get to bed! All for now, Country Needles

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