Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

It has been crazy around here with our preparations for the big move, with the selling of our SUV and camper, and the purchase of our new modest minivan.  The Lord is continuing to Bless us more as we found out our housing allowance will increase substantially giving us greater savings with our move into the new home.  Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family!

Here is Lil' Farmer with his new cowboy belt buckle!
Here is Sweet Sis with her new babydoll!
And another of Professor lowering Kind Heart down into the sewer to retrieve his remote-controlled helicopter that flew down the drain!
And lastly with Straight Arrow enjoying his day.

1 comment:

  1. That last picture was a bit surprising! I'm glad you all are moved in & settling. I hope you can get some much needed rest. Praying for you all! Pam T.
